TRYING TO AVOID HIP SURGERY! // putting on an Ilfeld hip abduction splint

TRYING TO AVOID HIP SURGERY! // putting on an Ilfeld hip abduction splint

In this video, I help Raelynn in putting on an Ilfeld hip abduction splint for the first time. 👇 PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! It will help Raelynn keep making videos! 👇… Raelynn had a doctor’s visit today to discuss hip surgery. The doctor didn’t recommend surgery at this time, and instead gave us this new toy!…

Putting on AFO’s // Ankle Foot Orthotics for Clubfoot

Putting on AFO’s // Ankle Foot Orthotics for Clubfoot

Raelynn has been wearing AFO”s for many years. She wears these Ankle Foot Orthotics for clubfoot. 👇 PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! It will help Raelynn keep making videos! 👇… In this video, I demonstrate how to put on AFO’s. Raelynn’s AFO’s have definitely improved her range of motion! Her clubfoot treatment has also included receiving Botox…