In this video, I show how Raelynn’s feeding tube works. Raelynn eats all of her food through her feeding tube, called a gastrostomy-jejunostomy tube (or GJ tube for short)
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Raelynn doesn’t have a great digestive system. She struggled to eat enough calories by mouth when she was bottle fed, and she would often gag or even aspirate on her food.
A few months before her second birthday, she received her first feeding tube, which was a G-tube (gastrostomy tube). This allowed her food to go directly to her stomach. This worked well for a long time, but eventually even this wasn’t enough. She would often have reflux, and she would throw up a lot of her food.
Eventually, she received what she has now: a gastrostomy-jejunostomy tube (or G-J tube). This allows her to get her food directly to her intestines, where there is very little possibility of her throwing them up, and yet continue getting most of her meds to her stomach, where they will be absorbed better and not damage her intestines.
Raelynn relies on many other medical devices and techlogies to help her with life and seizures. Here are a few!
1) IVIG Treatments:
2) Benik Hand Splints:
3) Jenx Abuction Stander:
Here are a few playlists you may find helpful:
1) Assistive Equipment:…
2) Seizures:…
3) Tobii Dynavox:…
You might also see Raelynn make an appearance once in awhile on our family’s Youtube Channel:…
Again, if you haven’t done so yet, please consider subscribing! Your subscription will help us keep making videos of Raelynn’s life and assistive technologies!…