Sometimes using a pulse oximeter at home overnight gives us a bit more peace of mind.
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Raelynn’s seizures change over time. Lately, she’s been having a lot of these seizures which end with heaving and heavy breathing. It’s difficult to determine exactly when this seizure ends and when she’s in “recovery” from the seizure. If I had to guess, I would say her seizure ended around 03:30 based on how her eyes and breathing changes.
Raelynn sometimes had bad days, consisting of a lot of coughing, or shortness of breath, or even just abnormal fatigue. On those days, it gives us extra peace of mind to have a pulse ox monitor her during the night.
A pulse oximeter will beep when her oxygen level gets too low, or when her heart rate gets too high or too low.
The biggest concern for Raelynn is usually that her oxygen would get too low. If her oxygen dips down into the low 90’s, we want to give her extra oxygen.
A few playlists you may find helpful:
⏩ Seizures:…
⏩ Tobii Dynavox:…
⏩ Assistive Equipment:…
⏩ Medical Procedures:…
You might also see Raelynn make an appearance once in awhile on our family’s Youtube Channel:…
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