This is a seizure Raelynn had late last Wednesday night. She often has a seizure late at night. We called it her “bedtime” seizure because it’s the one that often puts her asleep for the night.
It may feel weird to “like” a video such as this, but it really does help us keep making videos of Raelynn’s life with seizures, which helps many parents who are going through similar things.
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This seizure was the night of her first IVIG treatment (that’s why she has a medical bracelet on, as well as the IV in her right arm). I was a little afraid that the IV would come out from the seizure, but it didn’t. She was able to get her second IVIG treatment through the same IV the next day.
Sometimes it’s difficult to determine exactly when Raelynn’s seizures end. One way to tell is by how her eyes look. When they are more relaxed, that’s a sign that her seizure has ended.
The links below show a few seizures Raelynn has had throughout the years:
17 months old:
18 months old:
21 months old:
2 years old:
Almost 3 years old:
6 years old:
A few playlists you may find helpful:
1) Seizures:…
2) Tobii Dynavox:…
3) Assistive Equipment:…
You might also see Raelynn make an appearance once in awhile on our family’s Youtube Channel:…
Again, if you haven’t done so yet, please consider subscribing! Your subscription will help us keep making videos of Raelynn’s life and assistive technologies!…